12 Reasons Why Clear Voice Is A Backbone Of Successful Contact Center Communication

The contact center is a very vital and central position in any office where all customers’ contacts are managed. The call center is like a nuclear centre in office which is used for receiving and transmitting information about products or services and any other related information to the customers.

A contact center usually consists of an agent and a telephone set or a headset and all telephone sets are connected through a network. A person must have knowledge, confidence and clear voice in order to communicate well with the customers.
Following are the main reasons why clear voice is a backbone of successful contact center communications.

1.    Avoid Misunderstandings
At any contact centre customer’s cols flock in to inquire and investigate. Also, members of office can understand a person well who has a clear way of speaking. Therefore by communicating confidently and with a clear voice, we can avoid misunderstandings with boss, clients and other people who are inquiring about products or services or any other information.

2.    Express Well
A person with a clear voice can express his point of view with clarity and could explain his point of view to the others easily. A person with full self-expression leads to a more satisfying life for a contact center employee. If we cannot express well to the customer he would not be satisfied.

3.    Better Connection with People
If we have a better connection and communicating skills it will help us to communicate well with the customers. A person who interacts or communicates more often with society usually has confidence and lucidity which ensures in building up a positive professional. At a contact centre along with providing information, it is important to sound sincere and concerned for the customer to gain their trust which in turns results in a long lasting relationship between customer and contact centre employee.

4.    Accent
A clear accent plays a very vital role in a contact center communication. Different people usually have different accents as it depends on their background and mother tongue. By learning few language skills and practice we could improve our accent which makes us sound clearer and accessible to our valued others.

5.    Fast Talking
It is a common observation that employees at contact centre talk rapidly which makes the speech ambiguous. By talking slowly we could express well to others and could easily communicate with customers in the contact center. Fast talking often confuses customers and makes it difficult for customers to reach a decision. An affirmative and assertive tone is essential to make the customers get absorbed in the communication.

6.    Low Voice
A low or inaudible voice is also the main hurdle in contact center communication. We must know that our voice seems to be louder to us than to the other listener. A grumbling tone will appear like grunting to the customer and they can easily get imitated by this. A clear, loud and attentive voice is encouraging for the customers and makes him/her favorite among the customers.

7.    Mumbling
Mumbling is another drawback in contact center communication. Mumbling and fast talking usually go hand in hand. A person who talks rapidly often mumble during talking so it makes it very difficult for the listeners to understand. Few tongue and jaw exercises could help in overcoming this serious problem.

8.    Ability To Work Under Pressure
In a professional environment, a person faces a lot of challenges. An exceptional employee should know how to keep calm and prevent agitation during difficult situations. The calm employee will look in control and well adjusted if he can easily explain himself to the customers and colleagues. A person with a clear voice could manage a lot of work in less time as he would appear confident and people will tend to listen to him.

9.    Be Respectful
All customers must be treated with respect as they should be convinced that they hold value for you. Try to communicate to your customers that their needs and concerns are genuinely important for you. Therefore during the conversation, an agent must give respect to the customers and his voice must be gentle and polite. For contact center employee respect also involves understanding the caller’s needs and making an effort to accommodate them. Customer’s problem must be understood with clarity and needs to be solved with compassion.

10.    Show Interest
A contact center agent must show interest in customer’s questions and inquiries. His tone must demonstrate to the customer that agent is showing concern in solving their problems. By showing interest to the customers we can gain their assurance. Also, an employee should sound eager in finding solutions to the customer’s problems. A determined employee appears to be apprehensive of customer’s queries but a dull indifferent voice develops distrust in customers and they feel as if wasting energy at the wrong front.

11.    Pace Your Voice
An employee at a contact centre with pervasive vocabulary may sound the best deal but if he does not know how and where to pause during conversations than his speech will appear dull. Therefore taking breaks during a conversation could make them sound enthusiastic. The customers judge contact centre employee from their voice and if we show excitement, concern, sincerity by slowing or quickening the pace of our voice than it would be more credential for one’s professional profile. It helps contact center agent to keep their voice fresh and clear. Small brakes during conversation are very important as vocal folds take a break from vibrating.

12.    Work Environment

Work environment involves the surroundings of a customer centre. If the employee is well placed in a conducive, well-adjusted environment than the employee will feel secure and his voice will demonstrate stability. Too congested or tense work environment tends the employee to appear disinterested or discourteous. No one would like to listen to an agitated helper which will force them to refrain from asking more questions. If the customer is not satisfied with the answers that he won’t take help from that centre again so a relaxed voice is must which reflects a positive work environment.


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